Terms of Use

Thank you for visiting the Progress & Unity Flag website!

We trust your time here was enjoyable & hopefully inspired you to either
support this proposal or have a go yourself at designing the next Australian National Flag.

This website is property of the Progress & Unity Flag’s designer. By accessing &/or using this website, you agree to these Terms & Conditions.

Linked Sites

This website may contains links to websites operated by third parties. Those links are provided for convenience & may not remain current or be maintained. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not endorse & are not responsible for the content on those linked websites & have no control over or rights in those linked websites.


This website may contain content, images & designs created by third parties. Where possible, acknowledgement to the original author/publisher/artist is provided. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the content of this website is accurate & deals with its subject matter in a respectful manner. We place no claim of copyright over any of the content on this site (excluding our own work or work of the Flag Designer) & welcome any corrections or additions from relevant parties. If you are the original copyright owner of any content displayed on this site & object to its use, then please contact us via email & it will be removed.

Intellectual Property

All original content on this website (including flag designs, artwork, & graphics) is fully protected by the copyright laws of Australia, international copyright treaties, & all other applicable copyright & intellectual property laws.

All the content presented on this website is either owned by or licensed to the Flag Designer, unless specified explicitly to the contrary or otherwise already claimed (e.g. as with any Australian State Badges as displayed upon current State Flag images & our new State Flag proposals).

We give all peoples ‘Implied Flag Usage Rights’ which permits anyone that has accessed this site & read in full these Terms of Use the right to reproduce, print, fly, modify, commercialise, share, alter, or adapt the Progress & Unity Flag for any purpose at their full discretion without needing to first seek permission from the Flag Designer. These Implied Flag Usage Rights are provided free of charge & continue in perpetuity unless the user is informed otherwise (verbally or in writing) by the Flags Designer & only by the Flags Designer, in which case the Flag Designer may revoke this right at the Flag Designer’s full discretion. Users of content provided in this website under the Implied Flag Usage Rights are encouraged use said content in a safe & respectful manner. We & the Flag Designer do not endorse, & are not responsible for, any 3rd party content created through use of any content provided in this website or as provided under the Implied Flag Usage Rights.

Upon the Progress & Unity Flag being chosen by the Australian people as the next Australian National Flag (under a fair plebiscite or national vote), the Flag Designer will hand over all content on this website & any content related to the Progress & Unity Flag proposal to the Australian Federal Government such that any Intellectual Property related to the Progress & Unity Flag will immediately come out of copyright & into the public domain (immediately following & subject to an Act of Parliament successfully & formally adopting the Progress & Unity Flag as the next Australian National Flag). This does not include the copyright or any other IP rights to any content which contains the image(s) or likeness of any individuals displayed on this website (including but not limited to any content displayed on our Community Page).


> ‘We’ or ‘our’ meaning any owners of &/or contributors to this webpage.
> ‘Us’ meaning any owners &/or moderators of the Progress & Unity Flag email address (progress.and.unity.flag@gmail.com)
> ’Flag Designer’ meaning the designer of the Progress & Unity Flag & creator of the Progress & Unity Flag proposal (J. Hughes).